Ohio Poll: Citizens Aware of the Blatantly Obvious
I enjoy this article a lot. It says that Ohioans, by and large, think Ohio's economy sucks, and have faith that the current government has done everything it can to help stuff Ohio's big fat dead ass further and further down the toilet. I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea.
On the one hand, Ohioans realizing that their state has a craptastic economy is like Anna Nicole Smith just now realizing her son has a drug problem. On the other hand, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem - and holy shit, do we have a problem.
Cleveland recently beat out New Orleans and Detroit to be ranked #1 in poverty! Awesome! Meanwhile, Dayton (#88), Cleveland (#94), Toledo (#97), and Youngstown/Warren (#98) rounded out the bottom of the "Worst Places to Get a Job" list.
So where's our state government while all this is happening? Oh that's right, doing nothing in Columbus, which strangely enough is the only city in all the Midwest that's actually growing. Coincidence? There's a statehouse on the corner of Broad and High filled with guys that hope you said "yes".

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